Futurist WorkoScope

  • Predicting the Unpredictable 2024

    by paradoxig

    Holographic JournalismThe Neuralink ChroniclesBio-Digital CinematicsNeuro-Interactive Exhibitions These are only few of our Predictions for 2024, imagined by us and different AIs about how the Creative World will look like in 2024AI: We’re unlocking the doors to a realm where imagination reigns supreme and creativity finds new avenues to flourish and….TechvangaArt: …

  • Toxic Tales: The Sham of Green Paradise

    by paradoxig

    Motto:Queen: Magic Mirror on the Wall, who is the greenest one of all?Mirror: Famed is your Green Manifestos and Policies, Majesty. But hold, a lovely green land I see, governed by Green Creatives. Fresh air, lovely nature, and happy people. Green Architects created new fantasy buildings, sustainability consultants are involved …

  • Our New Era needs New People: Experts in Different Domains, in Multiple Domains, all at the same time.Yesterday it was in NFT, Metaverse, DEFI, etc . Today it is in AI, and tomorrow it will be in…And all-Expertise comes hand in hand with All-Visibility. On all social-media and conferences.How grand …

  • Dress4MultiverseSuccess. XR+AI-Couturist

    by paradoxig

    Sometimes in the near Future, you are preparing to go out in our Virtual Phygital Quantum Spaces. And, this time, modesty aside, you really want to make a magnificent impression, so you call your AI – Fashion Designer: “Hey, my dear AI 23xbetavogue2033, I need to be special tonight”. But, …

  • AI is evolving. So does Humanity. Does it?Studies related to our cognitive function are not soooo optimistic, but one thing is sure: we will need to adapt creatively and live with AIs. And start having some conversations with AIs.Do you know how? If not, start learning it. And then become …

  • X-Washing Syndrome. Fake-Changers Schemes

    by paradoxig

    From Ancient Religious rituals that washed away the Sin and Medici schemes of ‘Selling Forgiveness’, to Contemporary practice of Business unethical behavior (such as greenwashing), washing seems to be an universal remedy. And when washing is coupled with greed and coins, the results obtained were in favour of the Few …

  • From Dummies to… Type I Civilisation

    by paradoxig

    Do you think we are an advanced civilisation? Think again! Because science say….There is still a long-way to go! Let’s take the courage to face ourselves and where our Levels are – truly and scientifically measured. Next, we think about what we can do – as creatives, and not only …

  • Future Jobs for Artists: AI-Tricker

    by paradoxig

    Can artists fool AI? Well, it might be possible. Previously, we discussed why Comedy Bits Beat AI. Here we analyze the recruitment situation where creatives and artists might help individuals to land a job. So, a new job in the future might be: AI-Tricker. AI in Recruitment We all know …

  • The Future of Work(ers protest)

    by paradoxig

    1 May. May Day. Internationally Workers’ Day.A legendary day that represented the history of workers’ struggle for humane working conditions and equality. Parades. Banners. Music. All these were part of the May Day celebration. Nowadays is celebrated in 90 countries, but somehow the political-activist attitude vanished.But, well, it is still …