
  • 4D Knit Dress

    by paradoxig

    Developed by the Self-Assembly Lab, the 4D Knit Dress uses several technologies to create a custom design and a custom fit, while addressing sustainability concerns. Until recently, bespoke tailoring — clothing made to a customer’s individual specifications — was the only way to have garments that provided the perfect fit …

  • Novel method makes tools like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E-3 faster by simplifying the image-generating process to a single step while maintaining or enhancing image quality. In our current age of artificial intelligence, computers can generate their own “art” by way of diffusion models, iteratively adding structure to a noisy initial …

  • 3D Printed Furniture With Liquid Metal

    by paradoxig

    MIT researchers have developed an additive manufacturing technique that can print rapidly with liquid metal, producing large-scale parts like table legs and chair frames in a matter of minutes. Their technique, called liquid metal printing (LMP), involves depositing molten aluminum along a predefined path into a bed of tiny glass …

  • AI agents help explain other AI systems

    by paradoxig

    MIT researchers introduce a method that uses artificial intelligence to automate the explanation of complex neural networks. Explaining the behavior of trained neural networks remains a compelling puzzle, especially as these models grow in size and sophistication. Like other scientific challenges throughout history, reverse-engineering how artificial intelligence systems work requires …

  • Developed by MIT researchers, BrightMarkers are invisible fluorescent tags embedded in physical objects to enhance motion tracking, virtual reality, and object detection. Stop me if you’ve seen this before: a black and white pixelated square in lieu of a physical menu at a restaurant. QR codes are seemingly ubiquitous in …

  • The new device developed by MIT, which can be incorporated into a bra, could allow more frequent monitoring of patients at high risk for breast cancer. When breast cancer is diagnosed in the earliest stages, the survival rate is nearly 100 percent. However, for tumors detected in later stages, that …

  • AI and Frictionless Fever. Human Tech?

    by paradoxig

    We live in a world where technology is evolving and changing us at an incredible speed, information overload is everywhere, while our capacities stay the same. This clash might lead us to a problem, and two panels from SXSW 2022, highlighted some of these aspects. So, should we put back …

  • Perpetuum mobile of the past and the future seems to form the present in which the thought of thoughts is formed. Hidden meanings in the past that are often keys that unlooked the doors of the future.And a lot questions take us through worlds from which we want to imagine …

  • Faces of AI: Visual AlgoRithms

    by paradoxig

    Once upon a time, in ancient times, Creativity was an attribute of the Divinity, and humans often made Arts to celebrate the Divinity.Then, when human’s reasoning and Skills were Acknowledged, during the Age of Enlightenment, Creativity became an attribute of Individuals. And once with Romanticism, the idea of Genius was …