AI and comedy

  • Techish – Futuristic Films / Sundance 2022

    by paradoxig

    Technology. Artificial Intelligence. Science. Futurism. Cosmos.Here are the best movies and XR experiences we saw at Sundance Festival 2022 on these topics. New visions about the possible future surfaced such as living together with AIs as our company and friends, DIY-robot, that turns out to be an AI-as-a-SpoiledKid with classy …

  • X-Washing Syndrome. Fake-Changers Schemes

    by paradoxig

    From Ancient Religious rituals that washed away the Sin and Medici schemes of ‘Selling Forgiveness’, to Contemporary practice of Business unethical behavior (such as greenwashing), washing seems to be an universal remedy. And when washing is coupled with greed and coins, the results obtained were in favour of the Few …

  • From Dummies to… Type I Civilisation

    by paradoxig

    Do you think we are an advanced civilisation? Think again! Because science say….There is still a long-way to go! Let’s take the courage to face ourselves and where our Levels are – truly and scientifically measured. Next, we think about what we can do – as creatives, and not only …

  • Future Jobs for Artists: AI-Tricker

    by paradoxig

    Can artists fool AI? Well, it might be possible. Previously, we discussed why Comedy Bits Beat AI. Here we analyze the recruitment situation where creatives and artists might help individuals to land a job. So, a new job in the future might be: AI-Tricker. AI in Recruitment We all know …

  • Comedy Bits Beat AI

    by paradoxig

    The future is… The future is… We don’t know what will bring, but a lot of talks are around AI, and the fact that it will take our jobs. But, when the history of AI will be written, it will start with… And before AI, it was Covid19, that took …