Future Jobs for Artists: AI-Tricker

by paradoxig
Can artists fool AI? Well, it might be possible. Previously, we discussed why Comedy Bits Beat AI. Here we analyze the recruitment situation where creatives and artists might help individuals to land a job. So, a new job in the future might be: AI-Tricker.

AI in Recruitment

We all know that algorithms and AI will be used also in recruiting – where AI should be advanced because in this field research started a long time ago. OK, there were “small incidents”. For example, back in the old days – more exactly in 2018 – Amazon had to ‘fire’ its secret AI recruiting tool because it showed bias against women. But, that did not stop startups and investors to continue perfecting the tool. AI has biases, research shows, but, in the end, biases can be overcome. Or should be overcome. One day. So, the business must go on!

The startup scene in this field is booming! Because AI is considered objective, without prejudice, faster (and it doesn’t appear on the payroll). But, a German team of reporters analyzed such a startup (from Munich, with a seven-digit funding, called Retorio). The entire research is here. And what they have found is amazing. And highlights the need for massive artistic intervention in this field.

Firstly the findings: what matters for AI when you have an interview?

  • Glasses – if you wear glasses, you get extra points from the AI 🙂 nb: do developers think glasses = smart? Can’t even imagine why…
  • Scarf – covering your hair with a scarf, means AI will rate you more open, conscientious, and less neurotic.

The reporters were amazed that the outfit matter! It is indeed unexpected that fashion matters to an algorithm – but the good side: AI is stylish! Moreover, it is human, it has that much appreciated “gut feeling” (without the paycheck).

Other small, stylish elements that mattered to AI were:

  • Background also helps. Photo: Having a photo/painting on the wall in the background – gives you extra points.
  • Bookshelves – They can get you even better results compared with a single photo. Too bad that reporters did not make the check taking into account the value of the artwork.
  • Filters and Quality of video. People tend to forget that, but make sure your filters are nice and bright (dark ones, not cool! And it is proven-by-research). Related to quality, make sure it is high.
  • The audio track plays an equally important role, it measures rate or intelligibility. (musicians, be aware of that!).

Conclusion: AI is Stylish! Artists are needed!

So, now it is crystal-clear: unless you don’t want to end up jobless, you need a whole team of creatives to make you look fabulous and actually prepared for that video job interview: clothing, image, background, so on. Officially, in companies, the official look is office-look. But! There are elements, small elements that can talk more about you as you have seen above. And the look can tell if you are more creative or a leader, so on.

Advice to all creatives: stop complaining about pandemic because a brand new world of job possibilities is here for you.

Survival kit for interviews: You do not have to buy now all this (remember: green planet and sustainability), but you can acquire digitally, and here are some platforms for glasses, scarves, background. This is the wonder of digital: you can Be You Virtually!

Practical TIPS

Here are also some quick tips and tricks for survival:

For Fashion: Search for digital fashion platforms, such as https://xrcouture.com/
For Artworks: If you don’t know some big artists’ names, better go directly to professional art museums to see what is in trend. Or start visiting museum in VR, to see exhibitions, such as for example Art Gate VR
For Bookshelf images, from here you can choose your background: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/bookshelf

But if you need help to combine all this in a unique stylish image, get in touch with us, we can connect you with expert AI-Trickers!
If you are an artist and want to upskill for the role of AI-Fooler, stay in touch, we will start courses soon.

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Job Interviews in AI Tricks Era - TechvangArt 10th March 2023 - 11:13 pm

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